Monday, October 10, 2011

For my first post

I shall tell you that at my job, I take around 150-200 calls a day.

So do not be surprised/offended if I don't remember you. It's nothing personal.


Matt Chadwick said...

Your first post! I was excited when I saw it pop up. Excellent rant might I add.

Haha! These type of things happen to the best of us. I remember working for my brother-in-law and people would expect me to know who they were when they called in looking for work. I often got the same reaction when I asked them for their name to look them up in the system. I don't think I fielded nearly as many calls though...

Anonymous said...

The best is when I get called Kateka (I replaced her) and I just don't have the heart to tell them she's in a different department. I either don't have the heart, or I'm too lazy. Both are applicable.